I was first invited into the world of hypnosis in the 1970s as an undergrad by a visitor to one of my classes. Dean Hollingsworth was a self-taught master of the craft, with more than 40 years of work with many thousands of clients. Dean was very much in the Old School "authoritarian" tradition of the early to mid 20th Century (and still in very common use today) and was seeking a student or two. I spent two years studying nearly full-time with him. I can't claim I absorbed all of what he had to offer, but he helped me develop a level of skill that has continued to serve me well, long after I left the authoritarian ("I know what you need to hear. And I have it memorized!") school behind.
Later, I studied for a time with some of the early purveyers of Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP), while I continued to expand my scope of experience teaching a number of courses while still an undergrad. No better way to learn than to teach, someone said. I was at the same time the lead producer of all of the public events and concerts at the University; I ultimately chose that as my first career path. I can say without fear of contradiction that nothing will prepare a young person for a career in the healing arts, therapy in particular, like a decade or two in the Music Business. |
Slight Return...
I somehow, through no credit due me, survived some 4,000 public event productions, a nascent music museum project for a billionaire, and an online music start-up, merger and IPO, and then the dot-bomb. "For my next trick...," I wanted work with a more controlled scope and obvious, tangible outcomes. There really was no choice involved; I had kept up my reading in the field and had sustained enough of the real world to feel comfortable looking it in the eye. I got certified through the best hypnotherapy training in the area, registered and hung my virtual shingle in 2001. That's when the real learning began. And continues with every single session to this day. |
New Horizons
I have had the great fortune to work with several thousand clients on a wide range of issues, with results I am immensely proud of. I can say this, because the credit goes to the clients. All I can do is lay out the methods, offer insight into the deeper structures at play and, I think most challenging, hold space for the changes that we have built a plan for achieving. The client *must* do the work. I am not present when the old pattern arises; so I can't be the one prompting the new one. I make sure that the skills are in place, the action plan well-established and, when needed, a follow-up to fine tune and assure the goal is met. It works! |
Recent Developments |